Debt Free Financial Makeover
This is a step-by-step "how to" manual for the individual or family who wants to hit the restart button and change the trajectory of their financial future. This book is for people who have gotten themselves buried in debt or who find themselves stuck in life living the same day over and over 365 times each year.
Even if you are doing okay now, but want to begin building generational wealth, then this book will help you.
This book will show you how to obtain a free university degree, how to buy a home with no money down using government subsidized programs that give down payment grants, 100% loans, and 50% discounts on homes regardless of your income level. This book will show you how to analyze and assess your own situation and develop a debt liquidation plan; teach you how to deal with and negotiate with creditors; and of course, it teaches the important life skills of budgeting and financial planning.
This is a short, easy-to-read manual packed with valuable financial life hacks.